zürich? Zürich...
Dienstag, 29. Dezember 2009
Intermezzo Uno
I see Old Bill down on the road
the guns are drawn, I heard the sound
my apartement is now straight to hasten
but man, I'm in a killer condition

Ist es wert gelesen zu werden? Geschweige denn zu hören? Ad Absurdum in Funk-Musik?

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Sonntag, 11. Oktober 2009
I like Maryl Rose
I like Maryl Rose
she's my brawl thought
... me, my lovely rose I care

I like Maryl Rose
the chin up in darkness force
when all comes down to prose
I like Maryl Rose

those sleazy crumbling pose
yeah Maryl Rose
I like your fucking pose

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artiste maudit
The brush is broken
with water transpired
leaves are covering my yellowed page
the rage is gone long time ago
while sunrays stripes the plants outside
into my broken window

nothing left
except this cleft
from great disorder
and keeping the border

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Freitag, 19. Juni 2009
camera action!
The model has done well...

Zeit für den Pinsel

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Mittwoch, 10. Juni 2009
la collage et la femme, la sèche
chanson in the femme
la croix
mais ou
this soire
tu ma voir!

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Samstag, 6. Juni 2009
... die Welt noch gut war und die Guten mit den Bösen Hand in Hand n' Whiskey tranken.


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